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Hairdressing salon

Náš mateřský salon Hair Fashion Point byl otevřen na Praze 5 Zličíně  již v roce 2010. Díky Covidu 19 jsme v květnu 2020 otevřeli salon Barber´s wife v Jinočanech, kam se přesídlila majitelka obou salonů Žaneta Kaiserová a její kolega Sebastian Holý. Specializujeme se nejen na stříhání vlasů a svatební účesy nebo společenské účesy, ale poskytujeme i celou škálu dalších profesionálních služeb jako je Balayage, ohmbré a další techniky melírování. Těch využívají samozřejmě i zákazníci z okolí hlavního města. Náš kadeřnický salon sídlí v přízemí jinočanského penzionu Brčálník, kde nás můžete navštívit během všedních dnů i v sobotu. Pokud hledáte práci, neváhejte nás kontaktovat, o šikovné lidi je u nás královsky postaráno - práce kadeřnice Praha-západ. 

Využijte možnost zaregistrovat se pro snadnější rezervaci.

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"My motto is that as long as I have faith, I have hope."

We offer

Services of our salon

Apart from offering hairdressing services, you will also find a place where you can relax undisturbed and pamper yourself with a delicious drink or coffee from the Infinity Café. Let your hair be reconstructed with a keratin wrap that adds hydration and repairs the hair in depth or a classic wrap and intensive care. Whatever the purpose of your first visit to our hairdressing salon in Prague, it will remain in your memory and you will come back to us for quality services and original hairstyles repeatedly, where we always warmly welcome you.



Words of customers who visited our salon...


I have long, thick hair and I have been using a black tint all my life. Two years ago, I began to think of a softer shade, I visited several hairdressing salons in Prague, but everywhere they told me that it was not possible to make the color lighter along the entire length of hair. I happened to go to Mrs. Žaneta Kaiserová from Hair Fashion Point. We talked about my idea and she dared to do so, even though she told me truthfully that it would take a long time. In six months my hair looked like this. Later I chose dark brown. I must say that there are real professionals in this hair salon!

Iveta Teacher

I like experimenting and don't want to ruin my hair. I could not come across a color that would not wash out in nasty tones. The salon owner saved my color and restored the ends. I had color and volume back to my satisfaction. Thank you!

Jůlie Event Manager

Those of you who are looking for a hairdresser with a highly professional, nice and personal approach, visit Hair Fashion Point! Žaneta always knows exactly what hairdo and color to conjure up on my head. I am fully satisfied with her work, individual approach and nice personality.

Vlaďka Managing clerk of air transport at Logwin
Barber's wife
barber shop

Barber´s wife

Barber's wife barber shop - A purely male part of a traditionally divided barber shop based on standards from our great-grandfather era. An oasis for real men in the middle of a shopping mall, where you go for quality, relaxation and a glass of delicious whiskey. We will include your hair and beard with care from specially trained professionals. Made with love in cooperation with Hair Fashion Point.

Barber's wife
Our closest


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