Hairdressing salon Jinocany
Women's, men's and children's hairdressing under one roof
Naší vizitkou jsou vaše zdravé a krásné vlasy. Objednejte se na foukanou, klasický střih nebo barvení. O vaše vlasy pečujeme kvalitní kosmetikou a poradíme vám, jak se o ně správně starat. Kromě dámských, pánských a dětských kadeřníků je naší vášní svatební a společenské účesy. Luxusní střihy a účesy od profesionálů.
Our work
Fashion shows, showcases, wedding collection - this is just a tasting of our rich history.
Visit our gallery and find photos of our clients or events for Dolce Gabana, Escada Sport, or Missky.
Wedding Extravagance June 2014
Beautiful models from the agency Unique One, clad in stunning dresses from Sam Veritá, not only shined on pages of magazine Linda Special, but they also inchanted our photographer Pavel Hejný who immortalized the grace of fine ladies. Extravagance hairstyles created by Žaneta Dostálová and her professional team, nicely highlighted the luxury Lussien jewelry.
Hair Fashion Point Gala Reopening - April 17, 2014
Famous stars of the Czech scene, Dalibor Gondík, Markéta Hrubešová with her daughter Christel, Martina Gavriely and Petra Černocká, on Maundy Thursday slid into Prague shopping center Metropole to reopen our salon Prague 5 as the visual identity changed. The whole ceremony was marked by the French style including captivating music, selected culinary delicacies and demonstrations of hairdressing art. The event was beautifully done and identity change has been a success even for the whole team, "New face of the Salon enlarged enthusiasm in us and also efforts to constantly continue improving our level of professionalism." - Jan Tartar - Hair Stylist.
Hair Fashion Point Invited to Russia
The owner of the salon, Zaneta Dostalova, was invited to Russia to lead Russian hairdressers to the Urals hairdressers Wedding Show 2012. She also took care of hair of Dominica Synková supermodel and her mother Jane Synková when shooting in Loshagin studio in Ekaterinburg.
Bridal Collection on Petrin
This impressive and mysteriously beautiful collection originated from the hands of the art director, Zaneta Dostalova, photographer Paul Hejný and stylists Alex Vernika. 3 charming woman, Iveta Lutovská, Dominika Synková and Petra Tůmová, became muses in a beautiful dress from the salon Maggie.
Price list
To order you need to register and you can order yourself, partner, children or friends from your account. The whole price list
Our Team

These are our trusted partners whose products and services you can also use.